Then, Head of Blog said that the reason for the lack of a blog update the previous week was because she caught a cold, and spent her weekend with a runny nose and heavy eyelids. Head of Research and Head of Purchasing and Labeling both successfully completed all their work. Head of Photography and Scrapbook said that the pictures cannot be uploaded on the Toyota Eco Rangers online scrapbook as it was under construction.
Head of MARDI Uploading and Accounts said that everyone must measure the circumference, diameter and height of their respective plants so that she would be able to key in said details on the MARDI website. Head of Entrepreneurship has quit the team so as to focus on her studies, and her responsibilities are to be divided equally amongst the other members of the team.
A proposal to sell pizza during our school's annual Hari Kokurikulum was brought up, and everyone agreed with the idea. A proposal was to be written and handed over to the teacher in charge of our school's co-curricular activities.
Next, head of art and information corner proudly said that they have finished decorating the Eco Corner by last Friday but they only need to place more nails on the cloth so that it will stay on the wall properly. They were asked to make sure that all notification on the board will be pulled out if they are not required anymore. Head of scrapbook and information corner said that all scrapbooks have been placed on the Eco Corner shelf.
Head of multimedia presentation asked those who have not send their slideshow to do so by this Friday. Head of watering and plants inventory said that she had prepared the schedule list and checklist to make sure that all plants has been assigned to everyone. Next, head of activities said that she updates with all other environmental team once a fortnight.
Head of bio enzyme then said that they cannot reach to the people who sells pure brown sugar and will try to do it as soon as possible. Head of mini eco forest has placed the labels on trees that will be assigned to all members. Head of herbs garden then assigned every pair to at least to a group of plant so that it can be taken of during the pre examination period.
Head of fruit orchard request those who have not put the bottles around their plants to do so by Friday or they will be charged. Head of orchid walkway said that the frame has not been approved yet. Lastly, head of community tree planting and events shared on the upcoming events that she had found out. Meeting adjourned at 3.00pm and next meeting will be on Monday, 12th July 2010.
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