Sunday, February 21, 2010

The new system

So, in the throes of my Chinese New Year celebrations, I have neglected to keep this blog updated for a week. Well, Cuddly Wuddly is about to check up on me to see if I've been slacking in about 6 hours' time, so I guess I better start yapping about what went on at the meeting two Mondays ago.

Everyone was warned that our nice, cozy spot as the winner of last year's competition might not remain ours because other schools like Seafield and Putrajaya have bounced back stronger than ever and if we keep our slacky attitude up, we might have to kiss this year's competition goodbye. The room immediately sensed that our dear president might have something looming on the horizon to keep us from slacking, but the hopeful few managed to convince themselves that it was just their paranoia speaking. Oh, how wrong they were.

Farhanah has made it compulsory for every member, both new and old to choose a segment to be in. She also introduced a new segment called the networking segment which would be in charge of finding plant sponsors. Also, the 'Ecopoints' system was introduced to drive the fear of God into the members which would in turn, motivate them to start being more committed to the club. Ah, drastic methods. The Ecopoints system works like a merit/demerit system. Muerit points are called Ecopoints while demerit points are called Waste Points. Members who have collected 10 waste points or more wouldn't get any marks for 'penglibatan' when their co-curricular marks are given while those who have collected above 20 Waste Points wouldn't get any marks for 'pencapaian' on top of 'penglibatan'.

Another system introduced is the TER passport system which would commence after the Chinese New Year break. Tomorrow, I guess. Every member would be given a tiny notebook which would have two columns on every page. Whenever any member attends an Eco Ranger related event or activity, she could request for a signature from either Farhanah or Atikah. The member who has collected the highest amount of signatures would be crowned 'Best Club Member' when this program ends sometime around June next year. 

To end the day's meeting on an extremely high note, every member forbidden to be in another club other than this one unless the other clubs conducts their meeting on a day which doesn't clash with Eco Ranger's. Thus, members who have joined more than other clubs on top of Toyota Eco Rangers have to choose between their other clubs and this one. We have lost a great number of old members due to this new rule. 

People who are still interested in going for the FRIM trip are requested to give their names to Atikah.

-Angela Chong

Eco Enzyme Selling (Thursday-12/2/2010)

Hello Earthlings! On Thursday, 12/2/2010, Eco Enzyme made by our own Eco Rangers has been sold to the whole school for RM2 each. As we all already know (well I should very well hope so, after so many blabs vy my cool segment blog leader, Angela Chong Wan Zhen in the previous blog post), Eco Enzyme can help remove foul odour from the drain, toilet and all of the foul smelling places that you could think of. It is of course, eco friendly. :)

The eco enzyme selling started at 8.30 am and I was appointed the official photographer which also made me the one in charge for the blog update. The AJK Kecerian from each class were called to gather in front of the staff room. They waited quite anxiously for the arrival of our lovely Pn. Yeo to brief them about eco enzyme. After many poses to promote the green slimy eco enzyme in front of my camera, Pn Yeo with much determination on her face explain to the AJK Kecerian(s) about eco enzyme. I have to say, the briefing was an eye opener. Just the thought of being able to save the environment just by spending RM2 is... overwhelming. It was a very good feeling.

After that, we led them to block E where bottles of Eco Enzyme were stored. Pn Yeo told them to pour half of the bottle into the drain. Eco Enzyme, as much of a benefit it will give us, will not make a decent perfume, unfortunately. Mainly because well, it stinks. -__- But it will remove the stinkier odour from the drain so it's okay. :) Next, we were separated to pour the rest of the bottle in the toilet.

We were dismissed to class by 8.30 a.m. much to my dismay. Overall it was a successful attempt to sell all of the eco enzyme. This is hopefully, a small step to a bigger act of environmental saving. :)

Here are some pictures for you viewing pleasure:
-Elsa Asri

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Help Us Help Mother Nature.

Our very first batch of Bio-Enzyme is finally out!

What is Bio-Enzyme, you ask?
Bio Enzyme is a multipurpose, environmentally-friendly solution that should be a part of every household. It is produced from vegetable and fruit peels that would end up in a landfill otherwise.

Why is it environmentally friendly?
Bio-Enzyme reduces the massive amount of waste we produce which will in turn put an end to global warming. It produces a kid of gas called ozone gas which replenishes the ozone layer. It contains only natural ingredients and is free from hazardous chemicals.

How is it multipurpose?
Bio-Enzyme can function as a pesticide which keeps away mosquitoes and other nasty creepy-crawlies. It can also be used to clean toilets, floors, drains on top of removing foul odour. Oh, it also acts as a fertilizer for plants.

For the extremely low price of RM2, you can have a bottle of Bio-Enzyme lovingly made by the Eco Rangers all to yourself. What are you waiting for? Start playing your role in saving the earth by purchasing a bottle of Bio-Enzyme today!

For more information on Bio Enzyme, please click here.

(I am so, so sorry for shamelessly advertising on our blog. Blame Cuddly Wuddly. And yes, I am fully aware of how similar this blog post is to those cheesy ads we roll our eyes at every time they are shoved into our faces, but cheesy is the only type of advertising I know :)

Love, Angela Pikachu Chong

Bay-bee steps towards change.

I'm a firm believer in letting people know what we're up to, unless it's something I would get punished for or a surprise. However, I highly doubt that allowing cyberspace to know what the blogging segment is up to falls under either of those categories, so here I am, typing away, and going far away from the realms of what I'm supposed to be talking about, as per usual.
Returning to the subject at hand, I would like to implore, beg, convince, and request that everyone and anyone who updates this blog signs their name at the bottom. Yes, even those in the blogging segment. This is so that our dear doe-eyed president would know who to applaud for a job well done or blame for a blog post gone sour. Honestly, my implementing this tiny rule is for the sake of the safety and emotional well-being of everyone because I wouldn't want the entire blogging segment to shoulder the blame in case Farhanah doesn't like me affectionately calling her Cuddly Wuddly on the blog.

Secondly, you would all make me very, very happy if you found articles of us in the press and didn't keep it to yourself. Please cut the article out of whichever media you salvaged it from and give it to me so that I can scan it and brag about it over here :) If you saw it in your daddy's limited edition, autographed magazine, you're more than welcome to just give me the entire thing so that I can scan the article without harming the precious magazine. If you don't trust me, FINE. Scan it yourself. Hmmph.

I would thank you for saving me the trouble anyway :)

Thirdly, we have posted links in this blog to everything we have online, be it our Facebook group or our e-mail address. These links would be situated at the top of our page. That's it, scroll up. See the buttons next to 'home' which were previously named 'edit' for some funny reason? Yeah. As for everything else related to saving the planet, it would be proudly displayed on our link list.

Finally, we would be posting any events we carry out on the school's website from time to time. A brief coverage of the bio enzyme event is already up on the website, and you're all welcome to check it out. 

Yeah, so that's it for now. Let's all pray that these well thought-up plans to dominate the eco-rangers-blogospehere don't fall through.

Watch as I sign my name at the bottom of this blog post: Angela Power Rangers Chong. I set good examples. :)

10 Simple Steps, That's All It Takes!


As citizens of planet earth, don't you think it is time for us to step up and do our part to save the earth?
Here are 10 simple steps that we could implement to prevent mother earth from dying!

1. BIKE or WALK whenever possible
2. Recycle
3. Turn off lights when not in use
5. Take a SHOWER instead of a bath
6. Plant a TREE
7. Create a wildlife habitat by building a birdhouse for your yard
8. Turn off electronics when not in use
9. Turn the water OFF while brushing teeth
10. Carpool  or use public transport

Your afford will make a big DIFFERENCE!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Welcome 2010

Well, we now welcome a new year. Happy New Year!! 2010!! This year we hope to have better sales and to prosper even more!! Gladly enough, we started the year well with a couple of new members!!

These are the groups...


Chooi Fun


Pik Leng

GROUP 3 (....)


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Bio Enzyme Workshop, Round 2.

It was a beautiful Monday morning, and I had no idea that I was about to get a whiff of one of the most overpowering odours I would ever have the honour of whiffing. Why? Because once again, Farhanah has decided to put us to the task of making bio-enzyme. 
4 groups were put to the task of sieving, packaging, and chopping vegetables while the remaining 5 were sent to repeat the weekly routine of watering and weeding our 'forest' and our herbs garden. I was one of the fortunate few who were spared being bored out of my mind, having to help out with making bio enzyme instead. 
The row of large, sealed plastic containers sitting obediently along the wall should have rang some alarm bells as to what lay ahead for me, as I have chosen to help with sieving the debris out of the bio-enzyme, leaving only the liquid behind. The moment the cover of one of the plastic containers was lifted, however, I wished that  I had  opted for the mundane chore of chopping up vegetables instead. Ah, the price I pay for my curiousity.  The stench of the bio enzyme was indescribably powerful-it smelt about 3.5 times worse than the average rubbish truck. And rubbish trucks contain kitchen scraps, unwanted animal parts, and possibly diapers.

I had absolutely no idea brown sugar, vegetable peelings, and water could smell that bad. Immediately, the self-sacrificial soul in me volunteered to take pictures for the rest of the day. However, as I soon grew tired of taking pictures, I succumbed to my curious nature and helped out with sieving instead. Basically, I had to hold the plastic sieve while two members emptied the contents of the LARGE plastic containers into the sieve, allowing the liquid to strain through the sieve and into the plastic pail underneath the sieve. 

I believe Soo Sun, Nira, and Farhanah have unusually brave hearts.

Trust me, how horrifying the ordeal was can't be put into a few measly words. The plastic glove we were all given didn't even come close to keeping our hands safe and clean, and as for my poor, unprotected pinafore... let's just say that I should have just changed into my P.E. attire.
The large, floating chunks of vegetables and the layer of something none of us could identify at the top of the bio enzyme is something I never want to see again. Just when I thought it couldn't be any worse, IT HAPPENED.
A drop of the SMELLY bio enzyme found it's way into the gaping hole I call my mouth.

I don't want to talk about it, so moving on...

All the plastic containers were soon emptied, much to everyone's relief, and Soo Sun, who also helped out with the sieving, could finally make her way to the toilet to wash her hands.

You know what? I'm still glad I did this instead of watering and planting because I now have another story to pass down to my children and grandchildren. I'm sure they'd be excited to know how wee lasses had to MAKE their own bio-enzyme in the olden days.

Oh, we made it behind the Form 5 block. I hope for the sake of their SPM studying that the odour doesn't stick :)

Meeting - 1/2/2010

That meeting was special. It was a beginning of a new era. I'd like to call it the 'eco enzyme' era. (que evil thunder).

On the last meeting, our very pretty eyed and nice skinned president, Farhanah, reminded (read: with a very loud, almost annoyed voice) us to bring 5 mineral bottles and 1 plastic container of vege and fruit peels. The requirement raised many eyebrows, including my newly plucked eyebrows. But of course, our beloved Farhanah won't let us go wondering whether the vegetable peels are for our cool guard, Kelly or Thayanagami. She announced that it was for next week's eco enzyme.

The meeting was held in 2Damai with Cik Tan Peay Ding as our guest of honour. She was merry, cheerful and very enthusiastic (more enthusiastic than a normal person should be) about this eco enzyme. According to her, the eco enzyme are all done since it took about 3 months to mature. We were there for the packaging.

Unfortunately, Farhanah had divided us into groups and I, for one didn't have the pleasure of experiencing the eco enzyme experience. :'( I, as a member of group 5 was stuck weeding in the herb's garden. *Insertprofanityhere*

The meeting, as usual ended at 4 p.m. And I was sure that absolutely everybody had fun. :) Right?

Friday, February 5, 2010

The final turning point.

Remember Angela Chong and Elsa Asri? The two unique individuals who have painstakingly invested blood and sweat by the bucket-load into this humble little blog of ours? Well, this week might be the last time cyberspace will hear from us as far as Toyota Eco Rangers is concerned, because there will be an interview next week which would enable Farhanah, Atikah, and our teacher in charge, Puan yeo to personally hand-pick a select number of people out of our existing members who would remain our members.

This is apparently the last resort of our frustrated president and vice president who have had enough of nagging at our members to carry out their responsibilities. This interview would serve to weed out the uncommitted members as these members would lower our chances of winning the competition. Come prepared, as the interview would undoubtedly make everyone break into severe bouts of sweat.

I sincerely hope that this latest venture of theirs works. I would like to bid a farewell in advance to this blog, my baby, if I never get to nurture it again. I'm sure my partner in crime feels the same way.

** WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN??? -partner in crime, Elsa friggin Asri :'(