So on the 16th of January which fell on a Monday; the Custodes Terra Club - formerly known as Eco Rangers, though people still keep calling the club Eco Rangers - held their very first meeting in the Physics Lab. It's located in Block C, beneath the form 3 classes. Yeah, it might have been really dreary and grey, but there were too many members that if we tried gathering in a class; it would have exploded. Well, not exploded, but we would have died of suffocation due to the lack of oxygen and too much carbon dioxide... or somehting. Like this fish.
Yeah, I didn't post a real pciture of a dead fish, because seriously, have you ever tried typing dead goldfish in Google images? Wow, most of the pictures were kind of scary and disturbing, and since I want to maintain the number of readers here due to the importance of this blog (and also my life now), I made a wise decision of putting this picture here instead. At least it's, um... fluffy. Okay, so we held the meeting on that Monday. There weren't enough chairs so members started to get chairs from the next lab so they can sit.
Everyone was just plain noisy, so Farhanah had to tell everyone to be seated - or else. Okay, she didn't say that, but everyone started taking their seats real fast, like they had been shot at. Then, Farhanah started to introduce Custodes Terra. That was a must, since I doubt some of the students even knwo what we would be doing this whole year and why we're an important niche in school. If anyone asked me that, I would answer real easy and quick.
After that, there was this really cool presentation that I really respect made by some of the members of the club. I REALLY respect the people (or person) who made that, because I know through experience that anything related to technology in work is really frustrating and hard. Man, what with all the pictures and music and effects - just wow, you know? Then we had an eco band performance by the eco band, now known as Custodes Musicus; which means the 'Earth Musicians'. Personally, I think it's a really cool and rad name. A genius must have descended upon us. Heh, just kidding. I was the genius who came up with the name.
They were really good even if they SAID they were rusty. They didn't practise during the holidays, but they were AWESOME. I bet everyone felt tignles down their spine when we watched the performance. After that, almost everyone wasnted to join the band. But since the practices would be on Saturdays, a few members decided not to join.
Then we had a tour around school. Each form was taken by two experienced members to lcations that were related to the club, such as the Herbs Garden, the Eco Corner and such. Everyone was excited and looked like wide-eyed does.
Soon after that, we returned to the lab. Members who didn't pay RM5 yet paid their fees and made sure their attendance were taken. Farhanah reminded us about the next meeting taking place on Monday after the Chinese New Year holidays, which will be on the 30TH OF JANUARY. She also told us to bring the following things the next meeting: -
1) Leftover fruit peels (such as orange peels)
2) A handful of brown sugar each
3) And ourselves
When the meeting ended at 4 pm, members started to flood out of the Physics Lab. SADLY, though, not many of the members picked up their chairs and put it back at the next lab where they originally belonged. So here's a personal thanks to this beautifully kind-hearted member, Alya Zulaika from 4SA. She carried al the chairs back into the lab next door. Members, learn from her generosity. Remember the song by Justin Timberlake; what goes around comes around and all that. I have never been good in hearing, sorry.
So last thing before this post end.
Over 100 pesticide ingredients are suspected to cause birth defects, cancer, and gene mutations.
Stop usiing pesticides, and you will not end up like the teenage MUTANT ninja turtles.
Until next time. ~
- Anati Alyaa Azhar
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