Thursday, May 13, 2010

Robotics Talk on the 13th of May

On the 13th of May, a representative from the Anugerah Hijau panel of judges gave an hour-long talk in our school about robotics. The talk was attended by every single member of our school's environment team, as well as the team who would be representing our school in the Anugerah Hijau robotics competition. He started things off with a presentation on the importance of recycling as well as well as the effects on not recycling. He also introduced some interesting ways of recycling certain products, such as making a disco ball out of used CDs. 

He then gave a brief introduction of robotics and all the good it can bring mankind, on top of telling everyone present about how his deep passion of robotics have brought him so many good things in life. He has made a lot of extra income out of renting his beautiful works of arts to various enterprises which utilizes his robot to capture the attention of potential customers. He also mentioned that many people have the misconception that robotics is a purely engineering-based field, that in actual fact, robotics is a field which is based more on art. 

His introduction was followed by a brief rundown on what kind of products one could use to make a robot-though he emphasized more on recyclable or reused products. He used his robots as examples: One of his robots was made using a food cover as its' head, and has two dustpan bases for legs. Another has plastic bottles as arms.  

He concluded his talk with brief question and answer session, where participants of the Anugerah Hijau competition asked questions about the contest criteria such as whether or not it has to have a function, and whether or not it has to move. He told us to focus less on the function of the robot, and focus more on its' aesthetic value. As for whether or not it has to move, he stressed that it was entirely up to us, that it was our robot, and we're free to create it any way we want to.  Everyone thanked him for sharing his invaluable information, and went home content with the fact that they had all learnt something that day.


  1. Yes! the robots are finally here.

  2. i actually liked the talk, okay?
    it was kinda interesting 8)
