Remember the meeting not too long ago where Mr Paul Quek and his nice lady friend paid us a visit? Most tragically for the highly enthusiastic and eager Eco Rangers, they couldn't manage to fulfill the objective of their visit in just one trip, so they returned again. And this time, Mr Paul Quek has two lovely lady friends. *wink wink*
They returned to continue from where they left off on teaching us how to catalogue our plants on their website, and how we can make them recognise our accounts. There are many, many, MANY categories to categorise one little plant into. At the moment, I can't recall all of them, but some of the more seemingly absurd categories that have left a permanent scar on my work-fearing soul, come to mind.
We have to know which category the tips and ends of a leaf belongs in. We have to categorise how the leafs sprout from the stem. On top of that, there are also the basics, like measuring the breadth of the plant stem, and it's height. Now, measuring the height of a plant may sound easy-peasy, but I'm sure that you, whoever 'you' are, are probably thinking of those adorable bean sprouts we grow in cotton wool. Ok, I'm not sure, but I'm certain enough. And if you thought of bean sprouts, don't worry. In the words of the dearly departed Michael Jackson, you are not alone.
As I was saying, I was entertaining myself with fantasies of measuring bean sprouts when Mr Paul Quek rudely brought me back to reality by saying: 'Of course, the plants are easy to measure now, because they're still small. But in A SHORT WHILE, they will grow taller and you'll have to think of a way to measure it then.'
Oh, well.
After the environmental aspect of this meeting was taken care of, one of Mr Paul Quek's lady friends showed us how to properly utilise the website. Unfortunately, we met with a technical error on the school server's part, and she couldn't continue with the rest of her lecture. Thankfully, we didn't waste much time because by then, it was close to when the meeting usually ended.
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